Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Life beckons !!!

I have decided to write once again. Its 15 minutes to midnight & I am down with cold. This is the beginning of the end. The finale of educational life. Last semester begins.
Today I have a mixed bag of emotions. I am overwhelmed at the feeling that soon I ll be supporting my family but at the same time a goodbye to desks & chairs drowns me. It all started with the humming of ABCD...... I remember how my mother held my hand & taught me how to hold a pencil. She decided that I should be a right hander. Moving on, I recollect those days of waking up early in winter morning, leaving cozy beds of soporifics, reaching school without completing our 'Home Work'. I miss those days of class tests, free periods, bunking, getting ragged and being punished. All those daily episodes have shaped my thinking.
The end of this life points out to another beginning. As per the Hindu mythology, I have completed the first stage of life and moving towards the second one- Grihasta. The gauntlet is throne. A tough time is about to come. I realize this fact and I am working to tackle it yet again.........

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